Thanks for visiting!
Just wanna give you the details on my transition this month.
The Muscle Mender is now
Winter Park Massage and Movement!
I am so excited to make this announcement! As I grow and shift my focus, my business is growing with me! I will be adding a few things to my tool belt as we get into 2023: Trauma-Informed Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Functional Training, and Transformative Guided Imagery and Meditation. You can find out more about those here.
My mission with Winter Park Massage and Movement is to provide a safe and inclusive space for those who are in need of pain relief. I truly believe that movement is the key to resolving our physical and emotional pain, and I aim to provide the most comprehensive movement-based therapies to you.
I will be raising my rates to $150/hour starting November 14, 2022. HOWEVER - for being an amazing client and as a thank you for all your support through the past years, I’d like to extend current pricing ($95/hour) through the end of January 2023.
I’ll be going on maternity leave, probably at the end of January, possibly sooner. I’ll work for as long as my belly will let me, so I don’t have an exact date but I will keep you posted when I’m out and for how long.
I just want to thank you so much for supporting me and my small business throughout my journey. I wouldn’t be here without you!